Sunday, July 27, 2008

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Boys will be boys

SS 1/125 F/9 100 ISO

Friday, July 25, 2008

Not just a cherry tree

We have a pear and apple tree as well.

SS 1/60 F/4.8 100 ISO

Playing in the back yard

SS 1/60 F/4.8 100 ISO

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Waterfall and river

SS 2 f/14 100 ISO
I really like the first one, the second one I like but not as well. When I took these was on the side of the canyon road with truck cruising by me a million miles an hour. Even though I had a tripod quite a few ended up with camera shake from the cars and trucks zooming by. I took a couple pictures and I was out of there, I didn't want to get ran over. Right as I ran back to the van Jordan said "you made it just in time two trucks just came by too fast (it was by a curve) and went onto the shoulder (right where I was standing)". YIKES! I am glad I went though, I really wanted to try smooth water on a slow shutter speed.

On a unrelated to river note my first photography classes are this Saturday, they were free with my camera so lets see if they will even be any good. If not I plan on taking some through the adult ed courses at the university (read non-school credit therefore cheep). I also want to take some photo shop classes as well. I have been having fun playing around but I would really like to know what I am doing!

In my yard

Here are a couple pictures from my yard on the day I first bought my camera:

SS 1/25 f/3.3 100 ISO


I decided to mess around with the bulb setting and get Jordan in on the act as my assistant. Here is the finished product..

Here you can see my lovely assistant..

SS bulb f/? 100 ISO

Fire Works

SS bulb f/? 100 ISO

These were taken on the 4th of July, I went out and bought a tripod just for the occasion. I don't think they turned out too well, but hey it was my first try, what can you do! Just my luck I ran out of batteries right at the finale. The next week Alyssa and I went to go to another fireworks show, and that turned out to be quite the adventure. I wanted to get a bit further up on the mountain so you could see all of the fireworks, and not just a small portion of them. Along the way I got a little lost, and the fireworks started. Finally I pulled over on the side of the road when they came into view and let Alyssa look at them, she enjoyed them, but I missed my opportunity. Tomorrow is the 24th so who knows maybe I will try my hand again.